About the Book

Pornography addiction affects many people within the Church. Whether it is evident in the lives of men or women, in the lives of ordinary parishioners or leaders, sexual immorality – which is stated in the Word that those who practice it will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven (cf. 1 Corinthians 6.9) – is prevalent.

Jesus is coming soon to meet His Bride, a glorious Church, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but holy and blameless (cf. Ephesians 5.2). Are we concerned about His coming, or will we be among those who do not see the gates of the Kingdom open because they loved the world and its defilements more than the Lord (cf. Matthew 7.21-23; James 4.4)?

Through this practical book, the author encourages those struggling with pornography addiction to change by following a path of love and sanctification. Beyond mere encouragement, he provides them with keys, or rather weapons, to effectively combat sexual immorality, especially pornography, which is equated to the sin of adultery according to the teachings of Jesus Christ (cf. Matthew 5.28). The author, who battled impurity from his early childhood for about three decades, shares powerful and effective revelations in this work that allowed him to achieve victory, and will also enable the reader struggling with addictions to experience the true freedom promised and mentioned in the Scriptures.

« So if the Son sets you free, you will be truly free. »
JOHN 8.36

Video Testimonial

Discover David Houstin's testimonial on the «C'est mon histoire» show on EMCI TV:

About the Author

David Houstin
Signature de l'auteur

David Houstin

Born in 1980 in Normandy, France, David Houstin is a pioneer of French-speaking Christian web presence. He launched his first website, 'Dharius, serviteur de Dieu' (Dharius, servant of God), in 1998 to spread the Good News and teach the Word. The following year, he inaugurated a Christian portal called 'Bethel-fr.com,' which would later merge with 'Voxdei.org' to become one of the most visited French-speaking portals of its time. In the subsequent years, David volunteered to develop new Christian websites and assist existing ones. He notably contributed in this capacity to TopChrétien.

In 2004, Michaël Lebeau contacted David Houstin to develop a Christian website called 'EnseigneMoi.com,' which would later evolve into 'EMCI TV.' Responding to a strong calling from God that he felt 'like a burning fire' within him, David, along with Michaël, Annabelle, and Jérémy Sourdril, co-founded the EnseigneMoi association and launched the website for biblical teaching in 2005.

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David HOUSTIN's book «BOOK : Christian and free from pornography» is a free Christian book available in PDF, Mobi, and ePub formats. It is also available in paperback and as an audiobook (.MP3)."



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What They're Saying About It

  • « By reading this inspiring text, you will see that victory has been accessible to you for 2000 years! »

    - Rev. Joël SPINKS
  • « This book will undoubtedly be a source of encouragement and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, will lead captives to freedom. »

    - Alexandre NANOT